Why You Need a Will (and how to get one)

Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union > Blog > Why You Need a Will (and how to get one)
why you need a will

Creating a will is an essential part of financial planning and estate management. At MMCCU, we’ve partnership with Trust & Will to provide you with an easy and affordable way to plan for the future.

Here are several reasons why having a will is important:

1. Control Over Asset Distribution

A will allows you to specify exactly how you want your assets distributed after your death. Without a will, state laws will determine how your assets are divided, which may not align with your wishes.

2. Appointment of Guardians for Minor Children

If you have minor children, a will allows you to designate a guardian to care for them in the event of your death. Without a will, the court will decide who takes care of your children, which may not be the person you would have chosen.

3. Minimize Family Disputes

A clear and legally-binding will can help minimize disputes among family members about how your estate should be handled. It provides clarity and reduces the potential for conflict.

4. Specify Your Executor

A will allows you to name an executor, the person responsible for managing your estate and ensuring that your wishes are carried out. This provides peace of mind that someone you trust will handle your affairs.

5. Make Special Bequests

You can make specific bequests of property or sentimental items to individuals or organizations. This allows you to honor your relationships and make meaningful contributions.

6. Provide for Charitable Contributions

If you wish to leave part of your estate to a charity or cause, you can specify this in your will. This ensures that your philanthropic goals are met.

7. Tax Planning

A well-crafted will can help with tax planning, potentially reducing the tax burden on your estate and beneficiaries. This can help preserve more of your wealth for your loved ones.

8. Address Digital Assets

In today’s digital age, a will can include instructions for managing your digital assets, such as online accounts, social media profiles, and digital files.

9. Direct Funeral Arrangements

You can specify your wishes for funeral arrangements in your will, relieving your family of the burden of making these decisions during a difficult time.

10. Peace of Mind

Having a will provides peace of mind that your wishes will be respected and your loved ones will be taken care of according to your instructions. It is a vital part of responsible financial and personal planning.

Creating a will is a crucial step in ensuring that your legacy is managed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are protected. It’s advisable to consult with an attorney to ensure that your will is legally sound and comprehensive. Explore Trust & Will at MMCCU!

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