Promoting automatic savings to help people reach their savings goals As part of America Saves Week 2022, scheduled for February 21 – February 25, 2022 Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union (MMCCU) is encouraging the community to take a moment to focus on the importance of emergency savings and saving automatically, in an effort to better...Read More
How to Become an MMCCU Member (and Why!) It’s been a while since we covered the basics of membership on the blog! If you’re wondering about becoming a credit union member, we’d love to have you at MMCCU. MMCCU is the largest health care credit union in Wisconsin. At MMCCU, Our sole purpose as a...Read More
If you were watching the Big Game on Sunday, you may have seen an ad for Rocket Mortgage. Online mortgage services have taken off in recent years. While going online for a mortgage might seem like a convenient way to start the home loan process, it does have its drawbacks. When you’re making one of...Read More
Mary Jo Knobloch is the newest member of the MMCCU Board of Directors. Mary Jo was born and raised in LaCrosse, WI, and moved to Marshfield in 1986 for a job at St. Joseph’s Hospital Education Department. She has a Masters in Public Health and a PhD in Health Services Research in Pharmacy from UW...Read More
UPDATE: This promotion has ended. You could save up to 1% on your auto loan rate through MMCCU. Borrow up to 80% of the value of your vehicle and you could be eligible for up to 1% off your regular rate. (For a rate as low as 1.99% APR*). Click here to find our consumer...Read More
MMCCU members now have access to a new and improved bill pay program. This convenient, simple, and secure program provides a plethora of features, including: – Send payments to any business or anyone in the U.S. from online banking or our mobile app – Get up-to-date bill balances and bill statements from billers via eBills...Read More
Today, Friday, February 4, is National Wear Red Day! This day is designed to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease, particularly geared towards women’s health. MMCCU team members are wearing red today in honor of this day. As a credit union that serves the healthcare industry, we wanted to help draw attention to this important issue....Read More
Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union is currently raising funds for the Share-a-Bear program. Through the program, each child that comes to Marshfield Children’s Hospital for a surgery, procedure, or hospital stay receives a stuffed animal to comfort them throughout their medical treatments. “This fundraiser is such a great cause because it helps comfort children at...Read More
To combat the winter blues and have some fun for Valentine’s Day, MMCCU team members created some cute and corny Valentine’s that are now posted on the MMCCU Facebook Page. Vote for your favorite by “liking” the MMCCU page and reacting with the heart shape! Read More
During the holiday season, MMCCU hosted a “memory tree” in their lobby. Credit Union members and members of the public were encouraged to bring in an ornament that reminds them of someone they have lost. For every person that brought in an ornament, MMCCU donated $5 to a fund used to purchase food for Soup...Read More