This Veteran’s Day, MMCCU staff shopped for a cause – helping support The Highground Veteran’s Memorial in Neillsville’s winter clothing and toy drives. “The Highground is an amazing facility that receives no ongoing federal or state funding and is solely supported by donations and grants. They do so much for local veterans and we wanted...Read More
MMCCU is excited to announce that members will have access to a new online mobile banking experience in fall 2023. 7/18/23 UPDATE: New online banking is HERE! “This is the first step in a multi-faceted approach to improve our online banking services,” said MMCCU President David Murphy. “This was a primary need identified during our...Read More
Common Scams During the Holidays (and Year-Round) It’s the season of giving, but not everyone is on the nice list during the holidays! Scammers become more prevalent during this time of year, exploiting people who are busy with the holidays. “These scams do not discriminate on who can fall victim. Trust yourself if you have...Read More
MMCCU will be closed on Veterans Day. Our team will be volunteering to support local veterans. Our drive-thru is open Saturday from 8-noon and we’ll be back with normal hours on Monday. Thank you!Read More
At MMCCU, we want to thank those who provide care for our nation’s family members, friends, and neighbors in need! Celebrated every November, National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM) is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. It offers an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and increase support...Read More
Your Vote Improves Financial Well-Being For All The General Election is Tuesday, November 8! A vote for credit union candidates is a vote for financial well-being for all. We encourage you to register to vote today. The (Credit Union National Association) CUNA-League System works to ensure our elected officials not only understand, but embrace the...Read More
MMCCU was named a Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Miracle Maker again this year in 2022. “We love supporting this program. There is nothing more important than seeing a smile on a child,” said Carol Kulibert, Operations Manager. 100% of every dollar that is donated through this program stays local to help children in northern and...Read More
MMCCU President David Murphy is one of Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MACCI)’s newest Red Coat Ambassadors. MACCI’s mission is to provide leadership and support for the economic advancement of our community, while serving as a catalyst for the development of programs and services that benefit our members. “I was asked if I...Read More
It’s time for another episode of “The Credit You Deserve” podcast! On this episode, David leads a discussion on Cybersecurity with special guest Nick Arnoldy, President/CEO at Marshfield Insurance. Learn all about Cybersecurity and what it means for you, your personal information, and your business: Introduction of Cybersecurity – what is it? How it’s becoming...Read More
International Credit Union (ICU) Day® celebrates the spirit of the global credit union movement. The day is recognized to reflect upon the credit union movement’s history, promote its achievements, recognize hard work and share member experiences. International Credit Union (ICU) Day® has been celebrated on the third Thursday of October since 1948. The ultimate goal...Read More