
back to school money tips
It’s almost time for kids to go back to school, which means school shopping is about to be in full swing. David Murphy, President at MMCCU, shares some tips on how to save money during what can be an expensive time of year for families, as well as how to use it as an educational...
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what is a credit union podcast
Hey everybody, welcome to “The Credit You Deserve” podcast. I’m your host, David Murphy, President at the Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union, and in today’s episode we’re going to highlight what a credit union is, the history of credit unions in the United States, and the history of MMCCU. If you’ve heard the term “credit...
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5 things about mmccu
Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union is proud to be a local credit union serving healthcare workers throughout Wisconsin! Here are 5 Things You Might Not Know about MMCCU: 1. MMCCU is NOT affiliated with any medical facility. The name might be confusing, but we’re actually completely independent and serve members from many different healthcare workplaces....
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renting vs buying
The decision to rent or buy depends on each individual’s circumstances. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. When evaluating renting vs buying and which one makes the most sense for your situation, there are several factors to take into consideration. These include: The market where you want to live How much down payment you...
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i love my credit union
We love credit unions every day, and can’t pass up an opportunity to join a special day dedicated to celebrating them! On July 29, we’re joining credit unions throughout the nation is celebrating what makes credit unions unique! Search for hashtag #ILoveMyCreditUnion on social media to learn all about the CU Difference! Credit Unions are...
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pay marshfield utilities bill
If your water and electric come from Marshfield Utilities, there are several options available to pay your Marshfield Utility Bill. Payment options include: Cash – Cash payments can be made at some local businesses for a fee, however you may drop off at the Marshfield Utilities drop box (2000 S Central Ave) for free during...
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If you’re buying a car in Wisconsin, there are things to know about car loans right now that can help you get the best price… The average monthly car payment in the United States has surpassed a record-high $700 a month (according to Cox Automotive/Moody’s Analytics). With 75% of Americans relying on a vehicle to...
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healthcare finance podcast
MMCCU has launched a new podcast called “The Credit You Deserve.” Hosted by MMCCU President David Murphy, the podcast will cover relevant topics that impact personal finances, as well as healthcare topics relevant to their membership. “Listeners will walk away better informed about the basics of personal finances with tips and recommendations they can incorporate into...
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podcast interest rates explained
Hey everybody, this is David Murphy, President at the Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union, and welcome to “The Credit You Deserve” podcast.  In this podcast, we will cover relevant topics that impact your personal finances.  You will walk away better informed about the basics of personal finances with tips and recommendations you can incorporate into...
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securlock app
MMCCU members have access to the SecurLOCK app that provides digital control to MMCCU debit cardholders. This can help protect from fraud and unauthorized use of the card, therefore providing day-to-day peace of mind and a convenient tool for travel. SecurLOCK may contact members with debit cards to verify spending through new service SecurLOCK Communicate....
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