Did you know? If you are a MMCCU member, you can access your credit report through annualcreditreport.com once per week through each of the three reporting organizations. Accessing your credit is important, which is why Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are continuing to offer free weekly online credit reports during the pandemic. Credit reports may affect...Read More
Gap insurance is for when there is an accident in which you’ve badly damaged or totaled your car. Gap insurance covers the difference between what a vehicle is currently worth (which your standard insurance will pay) and the amount that you still owe on the vehicle. You may want to consider buying gap insurance for...Read More
If you are someone that travels south during the cold winter months, MMCCU offers several services that you might find beneficial. Shared Branching Co-op Shared Branching, a network unique to credit unions in which members of a participating credit union can transact “simple” transactions at other credit union locations, is available at nearly 6,000 locations....Read More
A global chip shortage continues to impact industries that manufacture electronics or products that incorporate electronics. This includes automobiles with technology features. As a result, some auto manufacturers are limiting the technology in their new vehicles. For example, General Motors announced recently that it would temporarily suspend heated and ventilated seats in several models (with...Read More
Wisconsin is a great place to enjoy ATV’s and other recreational vehicles. If you are looking to add a recreational vehicle (like a camper, atv, side by side, snowmobile, or utv) and need financing, the best place to start is with your financial institution, like MMCCU. ATV loans are similar to car loans, with a...Read More
MADISON, Wis. – High demand and increased need for charitable services across Wisconsin means that organizations are relying on the generosity of donors during this philanthropic season. This Giving Tuesday, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) are offering tips to help you ensure...Read More
Many stores offer store-specific credit cards that provide special rewards to their customers. Though these might seem like a great idea, it’s important to approach these credit cards with caution. Just because you might save on the purchase you are making today, it can be tempting to go ahead and sign up immediately. However, taking...Read More
Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union has one open board position. Board members are volunteers and come from the membership. They come from various professions and bring a passion to get involved and help steer the credit union. Board members oversee and govern the management of the credit union. MMCCU’s longest tenured board member, John Dean,...Read More
Celebrated every November, National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM) is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. It offers an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and increase support for caregivers. “This is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country,” said David Murphy, MMCCU President....Read More
Common Scams During the Holidays (and Year-Round) It’s the season of giving, but not everyone is on the nice list during the holidays! Scammers become more prevalent during this time of year, exploiting people who are busy with the holidays. “These scams do not discriminate on who can fall victim. Trust yourself if you have...Read More