
Co-op Shared Branching, a network unique to credit unions in which members of a participating credit union can transact “simple” transactions at other credit union locations, is available at nearly 6,000 locations. Currently, more than 2,000 credit unions participate. A member wintering in Arizona, for example, can locate a participating credit union close by and...
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Monday of America Saves Week It’s America Saves Week! Each year we encourage our community to dedicate this week to pause and do a financial check-in, and this year is no different. Chances are that you are someone you love has experienced a loss of income since the onset of Covid-19 in America— so what...
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Promoting automatic savings to help people reach their savings goals As part of America Saves Week 2021, scheduled for February 22 – February 26, 2021 Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union (MMCCU) is encouraging the community to take a moment to focus on the importance of emergency savings and saving automatically, in an effort to better...
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Kwik Cash Line of Credit Kwik Cash works similarly to a credit card – without the physical card. As a line of credit, you are given an available limit that you can then borrow from whenever the need arises. How Kwik Cash Is Helpful: Provides Overdraft Protection: Sometimes mistakes happen—no matter how careful you are! You...
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local credit union
With an unprecedented variety of banking options available to consumers, local financial institutions are perhaps even more integral to the success of the communities they serve than ever before. Since the rise of megabanks in the last two decades, four megabanks have emerged to dominate the financial services industry: Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America,...
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Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union is currently raising funds for the Share-a-Bear program. Through the program, each child that comes to Marshfield Children’s Hospital for a surgery, procedure, or hospital stay receives a stuffed animal to comfort them throughout their medical treatments. “I think this fundraiser is worthy because it gives children something to hang...
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MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER Update: This position has been filled. JOB SUMMARY Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union is seeking a Mortgage Loan Officer to join our team.  This position is responsible for discussing new mortgage requests and servicing existing loans within the credit union’s portfolio.  Individuals will meet with members to discuss lending options, underwrite applications,...
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Tax season is almost here!  For those seeking help with understanding, planning and properly filing this tax season, MMCCU has once again partnered with Kenneth Courts, the owner of CFS, and a longtime partner. CLICK HERE to secure an appointment date and time, or call 262-232-8080. “We are happy to work with Kenneth again this...
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Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union member Carol Masanz was the lucky winner of the most recent Saver’s Sweepstakes drawing, receiving $100. Saver’s Sweepstakes® is The Wisconsin Credit Union League’s statewide prize-linked savings program, designed to help individual credit union members save while giving them chances to win statewide cash prize drawings. “It made my day,”...
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At MMCCU, we are proud to be a local credit union. Part of our mission is to help young people get started on the right financial track. We can help you and your child start saving now! Teaching your kids about spending, saving, and other money-related topics is important. Around kindergarten, kids start understanding that...
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