Our routing number is 275979377. This number is also known as our ABA number. When establishing an electronic debit or credit (ACH) to your account, use the following format: In general, where XXXXX is your MEMBER number (this could be three, four, or five digits), you should add “10” at the end for settlement to your CHECKING account. Example: for member number 99999, checking is 9999910. The format for savings also uses your MEMBER number followed by the SAVINGS suffix (1, 2, 3, etc.). Be sure to select the correct suffix if you have multiple savings accounts. Example: for member number 99999, savings is 999991. Most authorization forms require you to select “Checking” or “Savings” account. Please note this selection overrides any account number format per settlement rules. So, if you select a “Checking” account but use the format for savings – the funds will settle to the checking account provided you have a checking account here (if not, the item will be returned).
You must call us or stop in to the office to enroll for access to our audio response system.
On the main menu, select “RESOURCES” and then “Security & ID Theft” for procedures to follow if your debit or credit card is lost or stolen.
No, you can keep your account with us. You may access your accounts via our Shared Branch program, our website, or by phone. We provide service to members throughout the U.S.
In partnership with CO-OP Financial Services, our members can conduct transactions at more than 5,000 locations nationally. All you need is a valid photo ID and your member number. Some locations are other credit unions and some are stand-alone branches. On the main menu, select “eSERVICES” and then “CO-OP Shared Branch” for more information and to find a location near you.
Please feel free to contact us.
302 W Upham St.
PO Box 279
Marshfield, WI 54449
For lost or stolen debit cards
For questions on your VISA® credit cards
Customer Service
866-234-4691 (US)
701-461-1772 (International)
Fraud Department