Do you ever find yourself wondering if there is a magic formula to saving? Does it seem that everyone around you knows the secret to saving successfully except you? It’s not unusual to feel unconfident about saving, no matter how much money you earn. Confidence doesn’t necessarily come with having a lot of money. Rather it comes...Read More
Welcome to Episode Seven of “ The Credit You Deserve” podcast. In this episode, host David Murphy, President of Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union, talks with a local resident who was scammed by a “smishing” scheme while on vacation. Listen on Spotify or at the link here: In this episode, learn what to watch for and steps...Read More
The annual campaign focuses on increasing Americans’ financial confidence through addressing individuals’ emotions, lived experiences, and helping them get a clear view of their finances in order to set new goals. MMCCU is a proud participant in America Saves Week, an annual national campaign that encourages individuals and families to check-in on their finances by highlighting...Read More
Rollovers from a 401(k) plan to an IRA are becoming increasingly popular among people looking to manage their retirement savings more effectively. While there are many advantages to this type of rollover, there are also some disadvantages that need to be considered before making the move. “It’s important to take a look at the pros and...Read More
ESP Technical Staff is performing routine security maintenance to several production systems, and anticipates possible interruptions or downtime on 2/26/2023 between 7:00am-4:00pm PST. The following may be temporarily impacted during the upgrade: Online, mobile, and audio banking FORZA Online ATM (Temporary Stand-In Periods) Shared Branch Minimal (if any) interruptions are expected, however active sessions may disconnect...Read More