Roth IRA Conversion Explained If a tax or financial planner advises you to consider a Roth IRA Conversion, MMCCU is able to provide this service to members. *First, work with your tax advisor or financial planner to determine if a Roth IRA Conversion makes sense for your financial situation. If it does, our team can...Read More
If you’d like assistance with understanding, planning and properly filing this tax season, MMCCU has partnered with Neufeld Capital Management’s Focused Tax Solutions to provide professional assistance. Located just down the street from MMCCU, Neufeld Capital Management is a local option that specializes in all forms of financial planning, including retirement, tax preparation, and investments....Read More
Tax time is here and we want to help make it as painless as possible for you, our members! At MMCCU, there are several available resources to help you with your tax preparation. Though we don’t offer these services firsthand, we do partner with other entities to provide information and tools to help. Visit the...Read More