Holiday Club Account Funds Disperse on October 1, 2023

Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union > Blog > Holiday Club Account Funds Disperse on October 1, 2023
holiday club account

Those with a Holiday Club Account can expect funds for 2023 to be available on October 1. Not a Holiday Club Account member yet? Here’s how it works…

At MMCCU, our aim is to alleviate the stress associated with holiday expenses. Our Holiday Club Account is designed to help you save for those annual holiday costs, ensuring that when the festive season arrives, you can shop with peace of mind.

The Holiday Club Account operates on a yearly cycle, with the deposit period commencing on October 1 and concluding on September 30 of the following year. Throughout this period, you have the flexibility to deposit funds as frequently and in any amount you desire.

What sets this account apart from a regular savings account are the withdrawal restrictions, which are in place to encourage dedicated savings for holiday spending. Many of our members opt for automatic transfers from their payroll directly into this account, ensuring a consistent savings plan (similar to our Saver’s Sweepstakes).

On the night of September 30, the accumulated funds are seamlessly transferred into your designated savings or checking account, making them readily available for your holiday expenditures during the upcoming season.

Some members also leverage this account to accumulate savings for purposes other than the holidays due to the withdrawal restrictions. However, we recommend choosing a Saver’s Sweepstakes account if you have such alternative savings goals.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 715-387-8686.

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